I carry with sport, very love a figure-skating, go for a drive on pattens, engaged in east dances, ready to support any fascinations of the man. I love dogs, but at home for me lady-cat)).
Good afternoon, my name is Ann, I from Ukraine. I would like to find a kind decent man with which would be able to link the life.I would like to tell a bit about itself, for me long light hairs, blue eyes, my growth of 165sm, weight 49 kg.I do not smoke, and practically does not use an alcohol. I have remarkable daughter, it is 7 years.I grew in town, but always dreamed to live ashore exterminating, or ocean, because recklessly love nature, though in cities also there is the charm. In general it is not so important in what town to live, main what with you alongside there were favourite people!
45 - 65 years old
I hope to meet you - clever, reliable, deserving, and to become for you by the faithful and wonderful companion of life!
europ america canada
busy city
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