I am engaged in dancing: shall we dance our Tango?(smile) I like singing: shall we sing our love ballad?(smile) I enjoy drawing and painting: shall we paint our masterpiece?:(smile). I like reading interesting books and watching good movies. I like cooking, home comfort. And I prefer an active life style and rest - long walks, camping, hiking in the mountains, swimming in the sea.
I am a lively, kind-hearted, soft, loyal, sensitive, creative, responsible and open lady. I am the woman who speaks truth, keeps her promises and is attracted to only to the one who shares the same values of character, honesty and commitment.
41 - 70 years old
I need to find someone I can be compatible with and who believes that marriage is forever. The person who is responsible, kind, intelligent, attentive, cheerful, a bright personality, open and loving and who wants to build a happy home while exploring life together. So, shall we dance our passionate and life-lasting Tango?
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